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A mom's testimony

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I have become a “believer” in the benefits of essential oils rather slowly, and one thing at a time. The very first oil I noticed to be definitely helpful was marjoram for arthritic joint pain and for “charley horses” muscle spasm. Then there was frankincense for healing, and a few others. Next I discovered doTERRA’s blends to be helpful, especially On Guard and Breathe. Then, Sherry started giving me weekly Aroma Touch massages. This is nothing like any conventional massage I have had. The motions are very gentle, pleasant, and repetitive. For me, the benefits were not immediately noticeable. After a few months of weekly massages life intervened and we had to skip the massages for 3 weeks in a row. THAT is when the benefit became very noticeable. I am living my 79th year and have lots of wear and tear on my joints and muscles. When the Aroma Touch massages ceased for those weeks, my aches and pains came back or intensified. When the massages resumed, those discomforts backed off. This year I even tried the doTERRA 30 day cleanse (essential oils formulated into capsule form and used internally). It surprised the heck out of me because a chronic, topical yeast infection I had battled for 2 years disappeared. Of course I still use conventional pharmacology when my doctor prescribes it, but so far, the cleanse has maintained a yeast-free me longer than the nystatin he prescribed.