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A reminder for all of us......

We can transform.

August 22, 2020

July 30, 2020 I went to get some parsley and saw that I was sharing it with these caterpillars. I thought they looked like monarch, but didn't think monarchs ate parsley. Looked them up and found they were black swallowtail caterpillars. I put some netting over them to keep the birds away and in a couple of days, they ate every bit of parsley leaves. The next morning all except one lone caterpillar were gone. I wondered about this last caterpillar. Why was it the only one? (I would like to think it was left for me, to give me a message, to give me a lesson.) I put it in an insect house with some fresh parsley and water and watched it get more fat.

August 7, 2020 the caterpillar attached itself to the top of the insect house and began to transform itself into its chrysalis. I looked at this and thought, this represents how I have been feeling this summer. Working from home, and currently in quarantine, I feel like I am in such a chrysalis, isolated from the world and elements. I began to think about the process this caterpillar was going through, a transformation into something beautiful. I am having trouble finding beauty in today's world. I am really having trouble finding beauty within myself. I needed a transformation too.

August 21, 2020 this beautiful butterfly emerged. This photo does not show its full glory as its wings were not completely dry. It didn't take long though. I opened the door to the insect house and it flew away. I thought about the chubby worm that is considered a pest. It rested, and became this delicate thing of beauty. And I was reminded that we all have the opportunity to transform. We live in a world with so much ugliness. We must not get caught up in the ugliness, but instead, rest. Rest in God's presence, in the beauty of nature. We have the ability and opportunity to transform ourselves and in turn, our world. I found some peace with this reminder. And I thank God for speaking to me, through this chubby caterpillar who ate all of my parsley.