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One Hot Drop of Clove


November 4, 2022

One hot drop of dōTERRA® Clove oil appropriately reflects the warm, humid climates in which the clove tree flourishes across the globe. The clove tree was born in the volcanic Maluku Islands of Indonesia, where vast forests of them flourished in the wild. They were encouraged in their abundance by a native custom of planting a clove tree whenever a child was born, with the belief that the growth of the tree would reflect the growth of the child. It is said that clove trees will not grow except within sight of both mountains and sea, which makes sense when you look at how it thrives in places like Sri Lanka, Brazil, Tanzania, and Madagascar, in addition to its birthplace of Indonesia.

Clove oil contains a chemical called eugenol that packs some serious purifying power, along with that characteristic fragrance so evocative of cozy Christmas feelings and comforting holiday foods. This hot oil turns up the heat on all kinds of invaders, making it a protective helper in the area of immune health. Clove is one oil you don’t have to think twice about using in your mouth: it’s been used since ancient times for its cleansing effect in the area of oral hygiene. At one time, court officials even made a habit of holding clove buds between their teeth when speaking with royalty to ensure fresh breath! These days, you can just gargle one hot drop in a couple ounces of water, or place a drop in your toothpaste for a super stimulating brushing experience. If you’ve ever enjoyed a brush with dōTERRA On Guard® Natural Whitening Toothpaste, you’ll immediately recognize the flavor of Clove!

The first diffuser blend I want to share with you today connects straight to my senses, because I actually awoke on the first day of November to a thick layer of fog. From now on, I may always associate the sight and sensation of fog with the aroma of this delicious diffuser blend.

Morning Fog

• 2 drops Clove

• 2 drops Cypress

• 2 drops Frankincense

• 1 drop Peppermint

Have you and your loved ones ever attended a local corn maze together? If not, this could be a new holiday tradition just waiting to be added to the season, where there’s space for another sweet autumn outing. Check out how this next diffuser blend places us amid towering stalks of corn on a chilly morning, breathing in lungfuls of fresh air, far removed from the city.

Corn Maze

• 2 drops Siberian Fir

• 2 drops Clove

• 2 drops Tangerine

In or out of the diffuser, Clove makes a welcome guest at the Thanksgiving table. Use it in your holiday pumpkin or gingerbread recipes in place of the dried spice that resides in your kitchen cupboard. As a general rule, baking requires a bit more essential oil than cooking: for example, a toothpick dip of oil may be sufficient for a stovetop sauce, while a baked good may require one or two full drops. The basic rule of thumb is that one teaspoon of dried herbs is about equal to one tablespoon fresh herbs, which is roughly equal to one drop of dōTERRA oil. Be sure to mix your Clove oil with a liquid during the cooking process to evenly distribute both its heat and its cleansing benefits!

Take note that Clove should always be diluted with Fractionated Coconut Oil or another carrier oil before applying to the skin; and use extra caution when using topically on particularly sensitive skin. One easy way to control the heat is to combine a drop of Clove with your favorite hand and body lotion for a supportive, warming massage. One hot drop of clean and spicy Clove is often all it takes, so use each one to bring bountiful benefits to the table this holiday season.

I would love to hear from you- how do you use Clove?