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Safety and Photo-Sensitivity

July 24, 2019
  • Outdoor Essential Oil Safety
    The sun is inviting and it’s often a boost to go outside and get that natural vitamin D. However, be aware that some of your family’s favorite citrus oils should be avoided topically before direct sunlight or exposure to artificial UV rays.

    When ultraviolet (UV) radiation, a form of radiation which makes up approximately 10 percent of sunlight, comes in contact with particular substances it can initiate a series of chemical and biological reactions. This immune system reaction is known as photosensitization. Some essential oils contain organic compounds known as furocoumarins that make some people’s skin more sensitive to the effects of UV radiation. When photosensitive skin is exposed to UV radiation, it may cause the formation of free radicals, inflicting damage to cellular membranes, organelles, and proteins. Acutely, this may result in temporary darkening of skin pigment and irritation, much like a sunburn. More extreme exposure may cause hives or burns. Keep reading to find out which oils and blends to be aware of.

    Photosensitive Oils
    For the safety and convenience of doTERRA customers we have identified and labeled the following essential oils and blends as photosensitive:
  • AromaTouch®
  • Bergamot
  • doTERRA Breathe®
  • doTERRA Cheer®
  • Citrus Bliss®
  • Cumin
  • Elevation
  • doTERRA Forgive®
  • Grapefruit
  • InTune®
  • Kumquat
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • doTERRA Motivate®
  • doTERRA On Guard®
  • Purify
  • Slim & Sassy®
  • Sunny Citrus
  • Tangerine
  • Wild Orange
  • Zendocrine